Peonies and Pewter Vase | Peony floral still life painting

Peonies and Pewter Vase, 6x12" oil on panel, by Jeffrey Smith
Peonies and Pewter Vase, 6x12" oil on panel, by Jeffrey Smith

I think peonies are one of the greatest things about spring.  Every year, I look forward to painting these big, beautiful flowers.  The painting above is my first of the season. 

 I moved into a new house in February.  The cool thing, has been watching the gardens as plants are comingup.  You can imagine my delight when I discovered that we have 7 peony bushes right in our own backyard.  I guarantee that I will be out back with my pochade box and paints in hands during the coming weeks.

I started this floral painting, by toning the homemade painting panel with transparent red oxide.  I then built up the paint surface using only the other transparent pigments on my palette; alizarine crimson, Prussian green, and ultramarine blue.   Once the shadows where layed in, I added back the opaque pigments to my palette of  colors to work the middle tone and light areas.

Green Tea Kettle

Green Tea Kettle, oil on panel, 6x6" jeffrey Smith
Green Tea Kettle, oil on panel, 6x6" jeffrey Smith

I loved this tea kettle when I saw it at the store.  This particular shade of green is so me…

With this set up, I’m using a different perspective than I normally do.  I positioned the objects on my studio table which is much lower than the still life stand that I usually work from.

Please click here for purchase information on this painting.

The Painted Bowl

The Painted Bowl, 6x6, oil on panel by Jeffrey Smith
The Painted Bowl, 6x6, oil on panel by Jeffrey Smith

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This was a quick painting.  In addition to pushing to my artistic abilities for brushwork, speed has emerged as one of my artistic development goals on 2009. 

As anyone who is familiar with the atelier method of  instruction can attest, it tends to be very methodical, but also very slow.  My challenge to myself is to try and keep and improve my drawing and accuracy while I’m painting, but also add an element of time.  I am attempting to walk the line between rushing, and working with a sense of urgency and drive.


Oranges, 8x6", oil on panel by Jeffrey Smith
Oranges, 8x6", oil on panel by Jeffrey Smith

Please click here to bid on this painting.

I have always loved painting citrus fruits.  I saw these in the store the other day, and was immediatley drawn to the beautiful leaves.  They have a great waxy green color to them. 

For this painting, I really have tried to paint stroke by stroke. If left to it, I really do love getting in the surface of the painting, and moving things around.  Although if I do that, I find that I’m not nearly as happy with it, and it looses some of the freshness that it may have had before.

The Stoneware Jug

The Stoneware Jug, 11x14", oil on linen panel by Jeffrey Smith
The Stoneware Jug, 11x14", oil on linen panel by Jeffrey Smith

Please click here for purchase information on this painting

I have had this jug in my collection of objects for years.  I don’t know why I have never painted it before.  I guess I thought it would be too difficult to try and paint the glaze, and the reflections, and make it look like it had light shinning on it.

In the end, I realized it was the same thing that I tell my students in my own classes; just paint what it is that you see.  Have you ever noticed that it’s always easy to see those kind of  lessons illustrated when you are looking at another person’s work?

Top Lit Sunflower

Top Lit Sunflower, 6x8", oil on linen panel
Top Lit Sunflower, 6x8", oil painting on linen panel

I tried something a little different with the lighting on this painting.  I used an artificial light, clamped up high.  I positioned it to shine down on this sunflower from above.  I actually painted it while sitting.  I think it gave an interesting point of view to this painting.

Sunflowers and the Studio Table

Sunflowers and My Studio Table, 9"x12", oil on panel
Sunflowers and My Studio Table, 9x12", oil on linen panel

 Please click here for purchase information about  this painting.

I’ve been looking a lot of still life paintings recently.  What I’m finding, is that I’m drawn much more to paintings that are about a space. Paintings that help to show an environment.  I’m trying to bring more of that idea into my current series of  still life paintings.

Today’s post features a wonderful bunch of sunflowers, eucalyptus, and some small yellow wildflowers. My entire studio had a wonderful spring time smell when I walked in.  This painting also shows off my main work table.  It’s really a drafting table that tilts up of down, but I find it most useful in a flat position.  Scattered around the sunflowers, are some plein air sketches from this past summer, and an art book that I have been looking at for inspiration.