Italy…wrapping things up.

Italy…the update

So things are finally starting to come together…I’m feeling like I’m rounding a corner on this painting.  I’ve grown to really

enjoy using a limited number of pigments…Decision making is certainly alot simpler with only 6 colors!

Italy…still, working in progress

Italy, a work in progress

I’ve been struggling with the paint surface on this piece all along…I decided, “Maybe my white paint isn’t as fresh as it could or for that mater, should be.” For those of you who don’t think that paint can be old even right from the store, think again.  I headed off to the studio today, new tube of white in hand…what a difference!  It was a joy to work on this piece as opposed to the chore that it had been.  I expect great things from this tube of white paint!  For those wondering, the new super paint is from Gamblin. I think it’s a great paint, at a great price.

Italy…the work continues

Italy, a work in progress

Here’s another look at my commission painting of the Italian coast.  I’ve been working with a limited number of pigments on this painting.  The idea, is that it help to bring about a greater feeling of color unity because everything has to be mixed…so far so good, but as a color junkie, there have been times where I’ve wanted to trade in my six color set for my old palette of 21 pigments…In the end, we’ll see if I stick to it or make the switch. 

Work in Progress: Italy


Today’s post is a work in progress shot of an on going commision painting.  The painting has gone through more than it’s fair share of changes over the years since I was approached to do it.  I’m very pleased with the direction that the painting is taking.  I feel like I still have miles to go on this one, but that’s to be expected with a 36″x42″ canvas.